Fund Security

At Taurex, we’ve built a secure trading environment, backed by rigorous safety measures, strict compliance with regulatory standards, and innovative technologies. 

Regulatory Compliance

Taurex is the trading name of Zenfinex Global Limited. Zenfinex Global Limited is part of a group of affiliated companies operating in multiple jurisdictions.

Zenfinex Global Limited is a company registered in Seychelles with registration number: 8428731-1 and is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of Seychelles under License number: SD092. Its registered office is F20, 1st Floor, Eden Plaza, Eden Island, Seychelles. 

Taurex operates with integrity and is fully regulated to provide a fair and secure trading experience. Our adherence to stringent regulatory frameworks reflects our dedication to fairness and accountability in every trade. Our operations are regularly audited to maintain compliance and uphold our commitment to transparency.

$1 Million Insurance Coverage

At Taurex, your trust fuels our commitment to delivering not just a platform for trading but also peace of mind. We’ve taken fund security a step further with insurance coverage of up to $1 million per client. This added layer of protection ensures your assets remain safe, even in rare or unforeseen circumstances.

Whether you’re trading forex, indices, or commodities, you can focus on your strategy knowing your funds are shielded by this comprehensive insurance coverage.

Segregation of Client Funds

Taurex keeps your funds segregated from the company’s operational accounts, holding them in top-tier banks to ensure their safety and accessibility. This approach ensures protection of your assets, even in the unlikely event of financial distress.

Cutting-Edge Data Security

We prioritise protecting your personal information just as much as your funds. Taurex employs advanced security protocols to safeguard your data:

Encryption Technologies: All sensitive data is encrypted with state-of-the-art systems to ensure its safety during transmission.

Comprehensive Safeguards: Our security infrastructure includes advanced firewalls, restricted file access, and the latest anti-virus and anti-malware systems.

Continuous Monitoring: We regularly update our systems to meet evolving cybersecurity standards.

Need More Information?

Contact our customer support team to find out more information about fund security with Taurex. 

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